Resilience of Independent Media

We work to bolster the resilience of independent media, a cornerstone of democratic societies, by leveraging the combined power of our media and legal expertise.

Why free media matters

A thriving independent media is a key pillar of any free, fair and informed society. Accurate, balanced and impartial journalism drives transparency and accountability, strengthening democracy.

But media freedom is in decline around the world. Journalists are increasingly being subjected to physical, legal and online attacks, with record numbers imprisoned or exiled in recent years. Meanwhile, newsrooms face immense pressures to innovate, adapt to new technologies and maintain trust – with their survival in a rapidly changing media landscape on the line.

Our Focus

For more than 40 years, we have supported independent media and more than 20,000 journalists around the world. Leveraging our combined media and legal expertise, we also work to identify emerging threats to media freedom, and to pioneer innovative programmes to address these challenges.

Our work focuses on:

  • Enabling world-class reporting. Our global training programmes promote the highest journalistic standards, critical for robust and effective media scrutiny that audiences can trust.
  • Strengthening the sustainability of newsrooms. Our support encompasses legal, editorial, business and management interventions to promote media viability and ensure newsrooms can reach their audiences with high-quality, public interest journalism.
  • Supporting media at risk. We deliver customised support programmes to independent media and journalists under threat. This includes working with exiled newsrooms and providing access to specialist legal support.
  • Protecting media freedom. Leveraging our global networks and expertise, we help to shape collaborative initiatives that promote media freedom. We also produce innovative research that is used by key actors to navigate emerging threats.

We offer a holistic approach to bolstering the resilience of independent media around the world. Our work encompasses media development programmes for journalists and newsrooms, alongside strategic collaboration with governments, technologists, lawyers and media freedom organisations to foster viable and safe media ecosystems.

Learn about our approach